Chapter 6. The Dreamland


Somewhere in the Plant, the 11th of August 2154




My so dear Oriane, one year has now passed since I wrote to you for the first time. How many letters have I written since that time? And how many others will I write until we meet? But that doesn't matter. Time indeed isn't such an issue. Strangely I'm no longer in a hurry to find you. I'm confident, that's all. We can't go faster than destiny. We will meet when it's the right time for me, the right time for you, the right time for us. No rush. I know that we need that time to construct ourselves. I was searching for you and now I find myself! And the more I'm discovering now, the more I will be able to give to you later. Our love is demanding but I'm sure that our sacrifices will be rewarded...

I'm continuing my journey through the Plant. Or should I say my initiatory path. I walk less than in the past. As I'm developing more intuition, my progression is getting less wild and random. I spend more time talking with people in the public areas. Sometimes I even stay a few days at a place. Some weeks ago I had an incredible meeting with an old man. I told him our story and he told me that a long time ago there were people in Australia that could communicate mentally! They also had a sort of virtual space called the Dreamland. They were having all sorts of experiences in that world which they were connecting using some spiritual methods. However it was more like an augmented reality. The goal was still the experience in the physical world and the Dreamland was like a permanent contact to get complementary information. The combination of the two was giving them enhanced experiences. What an insight! I couldn't believe it. And this happened thousands of years ago, without a single piece of technology...

I had to get more information about those people. I needed to know more about them. So, I must confess to you, I connected myself again to the Space. But I promise you that I didn't cheat. I didn't ask the Plant to know where you were! (By the way, I'm wondering, do you think it can know where we are even if we are not connected?) But let's go back to the subject. I inquired the memory of the Plant and I must tell you that the story of those people, the Australian Aborigines, is truly astonishing. You can't imagine how this civilisation was spiritually developed. They reached a level of spiritual sophistication that is probably as high as our level of technological sophistication. The interesting point is that they were nomads, like us, so they were also completely detached about materiality. But here is the big difference. For them immateriality was meaning spirituality and for us it means virtuality! Like two different ways to evolve towards the same direction, S-Space. But which one goes the closest? Don't you think that virtuality is just a superfluous interface that stops us from reaching the main thing? Well, I don't say that the Space is necessarily a bad thing. Look, I needed some crucial information and I could get them within a second. No, the real problem is that things are out of balance here because we don't know what we are searching for in the Space!

This is indeed the main question: what are we searching for in the Space?

Now I strongly believe that S-Space is the spiritual space. And I'm convinced that the whole development of technology, which finally led to our Space, was just a projection in the matter of our subconscious need of spirituality. We were too shy, too bold or too intellectual to accept this internal call. Or we were too excited to feel how much power we could have on matter. We wanted to be like God. But God transformed the matter into life and consciousness to bring us closer to him, closer to his Love. Us, we transformed the matter without knowing where we were going. By the end we found an excuse, S-Space, but we actually did nothing else than continuing to project our own image in the matter. Pure self-centredness! And still the same lack of humility and spirituality...

Oh, Oriane, I'm so glad that we decided to leave the Space to find ourselves differently. It's amazing how our intuition was right. Yes, another way exists to meet each other. Today this way is clear: it is the Dreamland, the Spiritual Space. And it is alive. It's not only a "point" with no time and distances. It's an infinite world with its own dimensions that we must discover and experiment. It can help us to find many answers, to find the faith and the wisdom. It will guide our steps as we are walking towards each other. And if we both find the door of this space with our hearts, then there will be really no time and distance between us. Then we will be Connected...


